These are some examples of colorways on a variety of bases. This is not a complete list - more to come
-scroll to bottom of page for descriptions-
Acanthus – tonal medium muted blue/green with soft speckles of slate blue, grey, olive, navy, and gold
Almond - tan, light brown, golden brown, ecru
Amethyst – purple with speckles of blue, plum, grey, green, and violet
Antique Gold – brown/gold
Aquarius - pale to medium greyed aqua base with speckles and streaks of gold, green, rust, blue, pink, olive
Arctic – muted aqua
Asteria - warm and cool grey, ecru, pale gold, pale blue grey
Asteroid - medium to dark brown and grey with flecks, speckles, and streaks of blue, green, gold, rust
Atlantis - aqua, teal, dark and light blue /green, shots of orange and rust, spots of navy and bright blue
Autumn Garden - magenta and plum, orange and rust, some gold and purple, green, grey layered on top
Autumn Night – darkest version of Lilac Grey/Frosted lilac – deep blue/purple
Balsam – green/blue with gold, blue, orange, and grey speckles
Bee - pale yellow, gold, apricot, orange - flecked with colors such as brown, aqua, green and pink
Bee + Grey - same as Bee plus layers of grey on top
Birch - beige/cream/grey base with speckles and streaks of grey, gold, olive, and chestnut brown.
Bouquet - natural ecru base with speckles and streaks of peach, pale yellow, gold, salmon, grey, and pink
Celestite - grey/blue with speckles of slate blue, olive green, and grey
Citrine – yellow/orange with speckles of buttercream, tan, green, peach, and pink
Coastal Grey - neutral to slightly cool med/dark grey - almost solid
Copper Rose – peachy pink with speckles of pink, brown, salmon, peach, and olive
Coral Rose - coral, dusty rose, orange, clay, with speckles of toffee, slate blue, and gold/orange
Cosmos – ecru with speckles and streaks of pink, lavender, grey, tan, gold, peach, and violet
Cottage White - taupe, off-white, some grey and ecru, tan
Crystal – pale grey with speckles of blue, olive, and grey
Cypress – blue/green with speckles of grey, green, clay, peach, and mauve
Dark Slate - very dark grey to black mottled with light grey and ecru
Dried Roses – soft tonal cool pinks with speckles of grey, brown, plum, pale gold, and olive.
Dusty Plum – muted medium plum purple
Enchantment - green, dark blue/green, grey/green with streaks and speckles of navy blue, dark green, plum, lime green, and teal
Eventide - medium to dark blue with speckles and streaks of navy, terra cotta, slate, and dark olive
Fairy Tale - light to medium pink with speckles of pink, magenta, turquoise, gold, and brown.
Feather – tonal light neutral grey with speckles of navy, slate, grey, olive, gold, peach, pink
Frosted Lilac – greyed/muted blueish purple
Gold Quartz – grey and mustard yellow/gold with speckles of brown, grey, gold, yellow, clay
Harmony – tonal muted bluish green with soft speckles of slate blue, grey, peach, brown, olive, and blue
Herbal – tonal muted herbal green with speckles of pumpkin orange, spruce green, slate blue, and gold.
Ice Crystal - pale grey/blue/green and ecru with speckles and streaks of grey, olive, gold, blue, brown, and a little pink.
Iris – medium blue violet with speckles of green, blue, and purple
Jovial - muted pinkish peach with flecks of brown, apricot, pink, violet, blue, yellow, and green.
Labradorite - grey/blue/green with streaks and speckles of charcoal, gold, blue, orchid
Light Plum – a lighter version of dusty plum – muted purple/plum
Lilac Grey – a very pale purple/grey – lightest version of Frosted Lilac
Lucky - bright green, blue/green, yellow/green, with speckles and streaks
Mallow – mauve pink with speckles of brown, olive, salmon, buttercream, and plum
Marigold – golden yellow with speckles of peach, caramel, olive, pink, green, and red
Mercury - light to medium semi-solid grey
Mosaic Tile - ecru with streaks and speckles of blues, greys, green, small amounts of plum or pink.
Moss – yellow/green
Mushroom Cap - warm and cool grey with shots of tan and brown
Nigella – muted medium plum/purple with speckles of slate, brown, olive, mauve, and orchid.
Nightwatch - layers of brown, grey, blue and blue/green.
Ocean – muted deep blue green
Olivine - olive green, grey-green, blue-green, gold, grey
Overcast - semi-solid neutral medium steel grey
Owl – tonal medium brown/grey with subtle speckles of chestnut, grey, navy, gold, olive.
Painter's Yellow - warm and cool yellows - earthy ochre and vivid sun yellow
Parsnip - ecru and pale yellow with streaks and speckles of buttercream, warm light brown, olive green, pink, and teal
Pixel – natural ecru with speckles and streaks of blue, grey, tan, gold, pink, green
Poem – tonal pale peachy pink with soft sprinkles of gold, tan, clay, slate, peach, and pink
Poseidon - dark teal, deep blue green, small shots of green
Pumpkin Spice – orange with speckles of various brown hues, orange, and caramel
Rain - layers of grey with a greyed green/teal, ecru, purple-ish greys, and some tan
Reverie – tonal dusty mauve/plum with speckles of chestnut, olive, navy, plum, and gold
Rose – muted medium rose pink - tonal
Saddle – warm brown with speckles of chestnut, brown, slate blue, olive, mustard, and orange
Saltwater - layers of greyed and muted aqua and greyed blue
Sea – light, muted blue green – a light version of Ocean
Shadow - a dark grey base with lots of olive, blue, violet speckles.
Snapdragon – fuchsia/plum/magenta with streaks and speckles of orange, blue, plum, orchid, green, and ecru.
Soft Rose – pale pink
Solar Flare - muted yellow/gold with streaks and speckles
Spinach – yellow/green with speckles of olive, grey, mauve, gold, and green
Spruce –green with speckles of brown, green, blue, tan, and olive
Tapestry – greyed blue/green with speckles of blue, olive, plum, peach, and green
Tea Rose - semi-solid warm peachy pink
Topaz - pale warm tan/pink-brown/ecru with speckles and streaks of green, blue, plum, brown, and gold.
Traveler - burgundy, brown, magenta, orange, plum, gold, grey
Vanilla Bean – ecru with speckles of various colors such as brown, aqua, pink, grey, and green
Vintage Rose – muted medium/dark rose pink
1980s – ecru base with speckles of fluorescent yellow and pink, blue, and green
OOAK - (one-of-a-kind) - usually created using a blend of any remaining stock solution from regular colorways. Sometimes these are the result of experiments during the development of new colorways. Non-repeateable, one-of-a-kind batches of yarn.
2x colorways - these colorways were created with a double strength version of the dye formula and the result may be slightly to significantly darker and more saturated.